beautiful Address Book for 2013 signed by "JEANNE D'ARC LIVING "
.................Days to Remember....and so will be ...promise !!!
Page after page I discover a world that I love where a mix of enchating pictures and atmospheres bring me to my passion in
a 360° tour of the full book !!
All images remind me of good and past times
so my breakfast table was set to guest this fabulous Address book with all honours
All I love is here ...tea...cookies...a candle light stitching work and Jeanne D'Arc Living Book...what else ??
Today we greet the year that goes by...and this gift just made perfect the end of 2012 !!
While reading and sipping my tea I can just enjoy seeing the vintage world I adore displayed in every single page...omg !!!
Thank you so much to all JEANNE D'ARC LIVING team friends for giving me the chanche to win your Perpetual Calendar and Address Book I'm more than honoured to have it in my hands ....
...and I can just suggest to my friends and followers to have IT at home as it 's a little big treasure to show on your bedside table
December 31st 2012
.....a Day to Remember....
Happy New Year All
S u s a n n a
Buon anno e tanta serenità
RispondiEliminafeliz año nuevo ¡¡¡¡
RispondiEliminaComplimenti Susi!!! Un regalo meraviglioso per una persona unica e meravigliosa! Un bacio grande sister. Natasha
RispondiEliminabuon anno e tanta gioia e serenità per te e i tuoi cari Lory
RispondiEliminabuona anno a te cara !!!
ti auguro un anno sereno, tranquillo e ricco di sorrisi.glo